The NIC of this unit asked for specific sizes for these needed quilts.
One is for the cots & should measure... 24 inch x 30 inch.
The other size is 35 inch square.
The other size is 35 inch square.
Any pattern, design or fabrics can be used in the making of quilts
& can be for either a BoY or a GiRL.
& can be for either a BoY or a GiRL.
Fabrics in muted colours or brights or anywhere in between are encouraged.
The block design, any addition of applique or ANY combination is up to you.
Make the quilts in the usual way... sandwiching a top, batting & backing and it should be bound.
I would like to THANK anyone who is contemplating making & donating one of these quilts & if you need me to pass them on to the John Hunter Children's Hospital I am only too happy to do so.
Simply email me for my postal address....
A member of the Novocastrian quilt Guild.
A member of the Novocastrian quilt Guild.