This was an idea started out of LoVe....

but unfortunately continues out of NeeD....

Can you HeLp ?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

From LoVeLy LaDieS

2 friends from the wonderful MiLLRoSiE group gave me some blankets to bring home.
Sue ... from here... made the owl quilt & 4 butterfly quilts ( 2 medium size & 2 small).

Marg ... made some colourful ones... 2 large & 3 medium sized.

Both ladies are just so generous & supportive of this project.
Of course I've always known they were angels... but now... so do you!
Thanks lovely ladies xox
 Hugs Cheryll


  1. wow Sue and Marg what lovely blankets they are,what a wonderful thing to do.xx

  2. The pleasure is mine, I love doing these!

  3. Pleasure is mine too, I love doing these too.....always on the look out for just the right fabric!
